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Friday, November 6, 2009

Social Experiment

Relationship Woes, as I said in a previous post, are fodder for the funny. I haven't catalogued the experiments that have taken place over the last two weeks as I am smack in the middle of testing hypothesis. And it will take a while to analyze the data since I have 8 test subjects to compare to the control set. All I can say at this point is: damn. I should have started this sooner.

I am not prepared to publish even the earliest observations, in or out of context, despite the funny that I have found in the process. This is the kind of thing that could, in theory, take a lifetime to observe, hypthesize, test, retest and analyze. It is possible that there is no answer to my question, no one outcome that will make my theory stand with the kind of absolute certainty that would allow me to make any kind of a concrete action plan. Now I know why these kinds of things happen in middle and highschool. I also understand how distracting this could be. And I think I am not nearly so frustrated with my sister and her best friend. Oh I still resent the earpiercing wails from the back seat that ruined my hearing before a band evr got the chance to do so. But I understand.
I have come to the inescapable conclusion that one's puruits are dictated by ones interest and the degree of passion behind one's interests. This would account for the lateness of my entry into this particular field of study. And no amount of anthropology study is going to give me a head start on developing my conclusion. This is most definately a case in which Heissenberg is laughing his ass off from the Great Beyond as the observer is as much the subject of the observation as the target subjects. Thus, I change both the process and the results. I just realized that this also means that I may never find the conclusion... [shakes fists] Damn you Heissenberg! And I hope Mozart knocks you down a flight of stairs if you keep smacking his should like that... it just isn't that funny.
It's a little funny. But not that funny.

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