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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

say what?

I haven't ranted about anything good in a long while. It seems to me that I am about due for a knock down drag out good old fashioned Frasier Crane temper tantrum. I've gone to the neighborhood coffee shop twice in the last month and found that the opener has not been on time to open the store. I'm not talking about two minute late. I'm talking two hours after the sign says "We're open" and there is not a posted change of hours. Normally this would throw me into a tizzy on my day off since that is where I live when I am not at work. But I can't even muster a more-than-mild irritation.

The coffee shop is Geek central. Coffee stimulates so much in the mind. And the atmosphere stimulates the soul. I don't function well if I am not properly caffeinated and in possession of a calm soul. I also don't function well when my routine is interrupted. So why am I not more upset?

I must have a lot going on in my head. Either that, or I finally have come to the point where I am beginning to agree with 97% of the people surrounding me; it just doesn't matter what I have going on in my life because it will never be as important as what other people are doing because I am single.


  1. I'd spend most of my time at my local coffee shop if 1, it wasn't so expensive, 2, I didn't feel like everyone was watching me whenever I entered it [it's a strange vibe in there...], 3, if it was a bit closer to my university's lecture halls, or better yet, closer to my house...

  2. Taekinuru,
    I agree on the expense. But it is my only Internet connection. What I spend in the coffee shop is about what it costs for service. So I'm either getting free internet with my coffee or free coffee with my internet.
    Not all shops are created equal. I think one of the reasons that there are so many is because there are so many different vibes. I do not frequent the ones downtown because they are for the suits. My gypsy chick ass does not go in there unless the imp of the perverse decides its time to make them uncomfortable.
    And this inspires an idea for future post...
