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Thursday, March 22, 2012

I am a Jewish Mother?

I am watching "A Majority of One" on Turner Classics. Old Jewish Widow meets Japanese Widower. On the cruise to Japan Mr. Asana (Alec Guiness. Yes. Sir Alec Guiness) has a cold and she mother's him near to death. I'm watching her diagnose his cold and dispense her remedies thinking "Oh My God that's Me!!!"

And the way she tells stories! Wow. I knew I had Jewish blood. But how can you be so much something that you were never involved in when you grew up? It's like being intrinsicly German. To find out that most of my idosyncratic tendencies that I always thought made me "weird" are simply the German standard... well. It makes me make more sense to myself. Only my Jewish friends will be able to tell me how much of a kibbutzer I am. But if Rosalind Russel's character is any where near true to form... then my Jewish Gramma is showing.

I kinda think it is funny really. The older I get the more the real me starts showing. Maybe one of the reasons that I am still single is because I am not me yet. Could be. Yes?

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