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Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So how is this for weird coinkydink...
I stopped by to find out when Our next class was to be held. These two guys came into see Verta as well. We all got talking and one guy, John, is an artist that lives on 11th street. His friend went on and on about some synchronicity of his own. When he went to take a cell call, i talked to John. "So where abouts do you live?"
"At the corner of Cass and ___th."
"Really?" I said, thinking yellow, grey or plain old eclectic mix of ick. "Which one?"
"2__" he says.
My eyes got huge and I OMG NW squeed. "That's the house I grew up in!"
I told him about my little cubbyhole in the kitchen where there is a gap in the cupboards. "I wrote my name under there with a backwards e." Says I.
"I'll have to check it out."
Karen had the presence of mind to introduce us before they had to leave. My heart about stopped dead in it's cavity. I was so stunned.
When the house was sold out from under me, I had felt so bad and so cheated by it that I haven't driven any where near it in two years. But this passed month I've purposely driven by it tons of times. One of those times I had the distinct impression that I would live there again someday.
John told me his buddy Keith bought the house with his wife and that they have gotten a divorce. Oddly, the guy got the house. Yea guy! John is renting out a room downstairs, there are tenants upstairs.
In theory, now that I have a psuedo "in", I could one day live there. I have never been happier anywhere than in the upstairs apartment. If Karen can keep John and I in touch, I'll know when I can make my move.... now to get my hands on the requisite cash......
I am grinning the most evil and diabolical grin any malevolent dictator has ever grinned.
My destiny is mine!

Okay, so it always has been. Allow me to seize the carp instead of the carp seizing me.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug.

    You aren't looking too buggy right now!
