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Sunday, November 8, 2009


So something in the neural processors is wonky. Verta warned that we were in for some heavy energy with all these frakking planets infringing on earth's territory. But I didn't think that it was going to be this bad. I, apparently, am capable only of Watson styled blunders in assessing value to circumstantial evidence and am completely devoid of imagination to see beyond the obvious.

Dashed off a quick this has been your last communication to Sir Lee. I mean really... asking me to make plans and then not even the briefest of S.O.S to divert my course. Rude. Blowing off my hi while you are online. Rude. And then, and here is where the wicket gets really sticky and not in a good "Ha! I just won this stupid English yard game you vagabond!" way, he replies. "I haven't been online to let you know." Really?

I'm technophobic, couldn't program my way out of an open paper bag. Don't know the first thing about processor capacity and the dirty little secrets about constructing a mother board, or if they are even called that anymore. But I certainly can read. I know how to navigate that site. It's been a while since I fell off the turnip truck but... if your picture shows up at top of the screen with the dark greek writing that says "ONLINE NOW!!!" then you are ONLINE NOW !!!!! Sheesh, I know I was born blonde but puh-leeze.

i mean he could have been serious. Some people have their messenger platforms autosign when the computer fires up. Maybe he wasn't cruising the site. But... he was online. And since he is familiar with jurisprudence you'd think he'd know better. Then again... because they are familiar with church law you'd think pastors and priests would know better than to fornicate. And he is a guy. Who knows... maybe his blonde goes all the way to his bone marrow. Yutz.

Next knight up for scrutiny...

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