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Friday, May 9, 2008

and so it goes...

Job hunting and starting ones own business are not easy things to do. You need money for capital which means working somewhere. But you also need to be able to work on the business which means that you have trouble finding the time to get all your contact calls done. Yikes and away!
But at least I know that I have the means for getting a job its just finding the right fit, like jeans. So I am hoping that there is no hold up in getting hired with this place I am temping at. they can keep me on as a temp for 90 days and then I can be theirs. Unless there is a corporate policy that says otherwise. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I am also keeping my fingers crossed that I find good good news regarding business funding. I have been so overwrought with frustration I am surprised I have not exploded.

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