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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just when you think its time to give up, give in and try another approach...

something happens that sucks you right back into the center of things.

I drift like cosmic junk on an accretion disk, slowly spinning into the center where a black hole waits to swallow everything for weeks. ACG and I are still great friends. That won't change. But it won't go beyond that... so I continue the e-date thing. I sent out 3 flirts a week if I can find people to flirt with because I don't wont this to get unmanageable. I respond to flirts sent to me. And for weeks nothing will happen. ACG tells me sometimes it can take months for someone to respond because they have had so much going on. I am on 4 sites. I have only had a long term conversation with one person other than ACG and have been talking to my classmates on another social site. So the other night, I went cruising without any expectations... I thought.
See, I had given ACG this piece of advice about not having any expectations on the outcome but just enjoying the sites. I checked out who was on line an it was the same set of guys that it always is. The one I really want to hear from hasn't replied to my reply... (PhD)yet. No one new to review, no one new to chat with and no one who would chat if that's all you want.
So I'm on line with ACG the other night and BAM-BAM-BAM! I get messages from several people. The one guy is just fun to talk to... nothing serious. He looks like Ethan and he is not looking for any one like me. But we still e-mail once in a while. It's kinda like emailing with my classmates. And now I have a "Secret Admirer". And today that site sent me some very good prospects, all new sign ups that I have never seen before.
And this brings me to an observation that I have made about the profiles that I find the most intriguing. I seem to have found a preponderance of Libras and Scorpios to like. In third place are my fellow Aquarians. And the fourth place interests are Capricorns which I reject almost exclusively out of hand. My bro is a Capricorn and I have been burned by them throughout my life. PhD is a Capricorn. I took a chance and hope that I an not going to regret taking that chance. So what is it about Libras and Scorpios that seems to be so compatible? I don't know. They seem to handle their imaginations with a bit more intelligence than us flighty Aquarians, which, I freely admit I need.
But the guys I am finding on these sites seems to also possess a sense of maturity about women than others of their age don't have. Maybe I am reading more into these profiles than there is. I don't know. They also seem to be the only ones who can write in complete sentences, whole paragraphs and with an understanding of spellcheck and its proper uses. I automatically reject anyone with consistent and glaring spelling problems. I also reject any one who writes with their native accent. I am thinking that makes me on the other side of the immigration fence than my fellow libs. But in the greater scheme of things... I just contact people I could be friends with.
As I have made a great realization about my weight issues from childhood through the present, I also realize where a good deal of my hangups regarding relationships come from. It isn't the same space, but they share an adjacent park.
This is going to be an interesting adventure to say the least.

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