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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

is it sick and wrong to like homework as an adult?

I've been a Somerset Studio reader since it's beginning. The magazine seemed to be made especially for me. Through it I have learned more than in all my print making classes. One of the features doles out homework. It is usually to create something on a theme. I've sent in homework 5 times and been published 5 times.
The last issue is what has brought me here. Consider a blog. I've been thinking about it since I started drooling over at Wil Wheaton's site. And I love Michelle Ward's stuff. But can I do it? So I really want to? Can I slay the technophobe?
I don't know. But I am willing to try. I will get better. And... I'm already drooling over the gadgets that Google has to add some pizazz to sites.

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