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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Talisman against dream killers

I just wrote a brilliant blog inquiring if a dream is really a dream if it isn't shared and then blew it into oblivion by technological disaster. When will I learn?
And what cosmic lesson is there in this disaster? Did I mean to post so dark a commentary? Was it a pity party that did not need life on the web? Was it something else, something that the fates, my guides or HP didn't want to haunt me later? I can only speculate. But... what I can recreate verbatim is this....
"I could go the the Great Internet Oracle, The Grand Master Geek of the Highest Order himself. But I am afraid he's just a little guy behind a curtain, stalling me with a series of tests because he doesn't know the answers either."
In the end, the answers I seek are within. I just don't have to patience to dig them out from under all them movies, books and lyrics that I've got crammed in my closet. I really do want someone to sprinkle me with fairy dust, wave a magic wand and make everything better. Mostly I wish that I had a talisman to work against the dream killers. If I don't find one then it will be family of one. Gee that sounds..........................dull as all get out.

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