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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

progress... I think

One of the by products of learning how to do this spiritual, in touch with the Universe thing is that you get a lot of messages that you don't know how to interpret right away. All last week, the 30th through July 4th, I felt unsettled. Someone was knocking at my brain for attention. I contacted all the usual suspects and still had a niggling feeling. Then about July 4th Don. S. Davis' name kept hanging around my head.
Don Davis is General Hammond on SG-1. He died on June29th. I just opened the email from Kate at RDAnderson's site. His name has been in my head from Friday until today. I don't know what it means. I did get he vague impression that it wasn't a good thing that his name was there. I did think for a moment that he was dead. Promptly dismissing that thought, I went back to my regular routine. But I haven't been right at work all week.
That niggling used to happen when I lived in MQT and ministered to the fellowship through notes and letters with specific scriptural references. The CM (Campus Minister) thought that it was disruptive when Markus freaked about a letter I sent him. I didn't know what his issues were. I just wrote the letter that he was supposed to get because he wasn't listening to anyone else. After Markus freaked and I couldn't explain to the CM what this gift was, I freaked. I haven't been into that since. But I am having Verta retrain me so that I can understand. I always felt wrong about scrapping that mission without even talking to the CO. And I have to say, without the gift I have been blindsided in ways that I never anticipated. [See earlier posts.]
I just wish that I had known in time to send a little peace General Hammond's way.
I feel like I lost my Dad all over again. The way he kept Jack in line reminded me of my last years of conversations with dad.

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