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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And then there was one...

[redacted], could have sworn he said he wrote.
I don't know what I want for sure from these guys. But this one I do want for a friend at the very least. He has a great sense of humor. And he can change his mind or clarify something that was murky without waiting for an invitation. I haven't decided to give up on the idea of dating sites. But I think I should at least temper my expectations with a modicum of realism. Notice that I didn't say "reality"? There is a reason.

We aren't dealing with reality. We are dealing with perception. And that is everything (with apologies to Einstein who thinks imagination is everything) in this instance. Much like a painting, it is what the artist intends for you to know that is revealed in the oeuvre. And artists want the viewer to see only what they see or perceive. It was one of the reasons that Impressionism was so startling and difficult to accept. Monet had vision problems late in his life. He couldn't see everything. And he didn't want you to see what he saw. Then you would have known he was almost blind. Lack of vision is the artist's bane. It would have killed his career.
So what does a person put in their profile? What do they leave out? What are you supposed to perceive? And what is in the other hand? A profile writer is an illusionist and often not a good one. Rather than craft an astonishing magnum opus that leaves us breathless as an audience, the author of that profile is frantically trying to get you to look at something other than the fluttering bird feathers littering the stage (see the Prestige). What perception have I created with my profile? What do I see when I view someone else's?

I dunno.

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