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Monday, August 25, 2008

fangirl squeee

I just found a Calvin and Hobbes site that lets registered users make their own strips. Yipeeeeee!
So I will hare what I sent my friend this morning. I want Calvin and Hobbes emoticons.
What would be more telling? a smiley that jumps up and down and screams "OMG No Waay!" or Calvin's triumphal glee went besting Hobbes?
A lot of days in the hotel business I walk around with Calvin's little smudgey cloud over my head, grimacing and keeping on the path straight to world domination through transmogrification. Brad knows when he sees me to steer clear. Other times, like today, I would like to have a Wistful Calvin watching the clouds. This would be most helpful to preface a soliloquy so that somebody doesn't think I am ranting when I am musing. At my most philosophical... Calvin and Hobbes under the stars.

Of course other necessities would be:

  • Calvin's mom smacking her head.
  • Angelic Calvin pretending he didn't smack Susie with a snowball.
  • Evil Maniacal Calvin rubbing his hands together for days when I contemplate how best to eradicate the evil that is my brother.
  • Joyous Rapture Calvin.
  • Disappointed Calvin.
  • Calvin Wresting with his Vegetarian Surprise.
  • Calvin Analyzing his Vege Surprise.
  • Calvin Eating Vege Surprise.
  • Calvin's Dad Confused... it is the best expression of WTF evah!
  • And for days when one is caught in an accretion disk, being drawn inevitably into the gaping maw of a supermassive blackhole... Calvin in his Red Wagon Careening Downhill, eyes bulging, screaming and holding on for dear life.
  • And for days when you feel like the Big Guy is using you to test stand up material before springing it on a fresh audience... Snowman Bisected by Red Plastic Sled in Drive Way.
  • Hobbes Smug Superiority
  • Hobbes sniggering behind his hand
  • Hobbes ROTFL
  • Hobbes Stretching
  • Hobbes' WTF
  • Hobbes Rubbing his Chin

These are but a few that would make me happy to have.

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