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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tempted to write over the top instead of honest...Bad Author! Bad!

So now I have this idea in my head that I should keep hard copy of my blog posts, sorting into categories, organizing thoughts, footnoting entries and trying to clarify some murky logic with a"Best of" edition in mind. I do have more of a self conscious approach to this today. Last night I was pretty geeked (surprise!) by my concept. Now, I feel fumble-fingered and uncertain. But here's the plan... well the purpose of the plan. I hope to learn to be a CONSCIOUS writer not a SELF-CONSCIOUS writer.

Yes, Virginia, there is a difference. In self consciousness there is still the stream of thought writing with only intermittent meaning beyond the author's pen. It tends to be disorganized and tangential. In a blog, this requires many many more labels than the stream lined Conscious approach. For instance, I noticed that while I follow many interests I have left, in the post, many open brackets. While I have written in earnestness, I have not followed the clues in my own writing to a satisfactory end. I am abrupt and leave much out that could be interesting. Admittedly, that was due to a misunderstanding of window size in the drafting phase more than my thought process. But an expanded understanding didn't lead to better writing. If I write consciously I can get more meaning for the amount of words I use rather than ramble. This is the soul of wit. Of course, sometimes rambling is fun... it is just inefficient.

Unconscious writing doesn't lead to an end. I know, if I get to the end of the blog, I've gotten to the end of my life. That isn't what I mean. I mean that I get to the end of a point with the option of returning to the start via well trod path instead of reaching the end by falling off the end of my point and drowning in inky black blueness. [Part of Pyramid point dropped into lake Michigan a few years ago. see Good Harbor Bay]

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