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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Keeping my fingers crossed...

I will look at new digs tomorrow and hopefully be in them in two weeks. It's on the water, all utilities included and it's pretty cheap. I ask myself how a great deal like that can fall into my lap. But it's either because it isn't a great deal or because I asked for it.
Now, the other part of keeping my fingers crossed is the hope that I will have money to buy equipment and get this party started without the economy tanking. I am counting on the government to fail its enslave the populace through economic upheaval roll. I am still looking at less than 5000.00 to start sans computer and software for design. I can start for 4000.00 if I sell only the clear stamps and have a computer. The first plan can get as expensive as a full 10,000.00 to have what I want to start with.
That brings me to a turning point. I had only been thinking starting out full tilt. But, I could scale back and start from a more affordable place that would allow for expansion and give me base capital to sit on for a while instead of spending it all. Let's face it, spending it all is a knee jerk reaction to keeping Bro's mits out of my accounts. It isn't smart. It's just me being reactionary...
So now I think that it is a good thing to start a little more basic. I'll have to think more on this. I had a lot against the clear polymer stamps when they first came out and not much has made me like them better. But the market demands them without understanding that they are getting an inferior product. This is a case where what the consumer wants had better drive the producer regardless of the producer's misgivings. Of course the makers of the raw material will improve the product to meet our requirements. But still... in this sitution I will provide what is asked and keep the superiority complex as silent as possible.
Yeah I know... prepare to be amazed.
or stunned into your own silence.

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