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Saturday, September 13, 2008

spoiler alert

Okay, it's not like there is an army of gategeeks reading this blog so I can say whatever I want to about Continuum. First Holy macaroni was it cool! Second, I'm going to have to watch all 10 seasons because I don't remember Ba'al and Katesh hooking up. Third, great to see Jack back. And, it was nice to see General Hammond. This was Don S. Davis' last performance before he passed this Summer. Wow talk about bitter sweet. Now... spoilers:

The first thing I hate is when people bend/fold/spindle or mutilate SG-1. And that includes the writers. Daniel loses a leg in the Arctic, and gets gut shot with a staff weapon on Praxis. I know Daniel is danger prone but c'mom... why does he always get this crap? Ba'al kills Jack. The only good president this country has ever had is burried under a mountain of rubble when Katesh betrays Ba'al and attacks Earth anyway. Sam gets shot... again. Teal'c switches system Lord teams like Brett Farve having pissing contests with management, gets gut shot twice and written out of existence once. And Vala is just plain bad news no matte how you write her. The highlight is that Daniel is free of her loving interests. Apophis dies again. Yea Ba'al! Oh and did I mention that Daniel is reduced to the freak status that he had at the beginning of this ride with the original Stargate movie? I swear these guys love making Daniel look like a raving loon.
The second thing I hate is when the sci-fi guys mess up the sci part of things.
Cameron meets his grampa. Now, in traditional interpretations of EVERY physics model (including the episode where Sam meets herself) when same particles occupy close space in the same time the particles degrade. See, I kinda talked about this in the LHC post. Two particles cannot occupy the same space in time unless they are Higgs boson particles. And in large clusters, say the kind it takes to put a person together, same particles cannot exist close together for any duration without degradation. In other words one you would contaminate the other you. You should not be able to meet your family either. And what happens? Cam meets grampa. Of course, had he not taken that chance then ba'al would have succeeded in his plan to dominate and subordinate the Tau'ree (us) and then get murdered by his diabolical queen because she is a greedy bitch. divorce doesn't happen among the gods... they just kill each other.
In the end, order is restored and things go back to how they are supposed to be with Earth never facing the cataclysmic danger that befalls SG-1 because they are on the front lines taking shit for everybody else. And... Jack takes them to lunch. His treat.

In all, i loved it. But I hate crying when they kill people who should not die if I am going to get to watch more Stargate. And it is stupid. I know they won't let Daniel stay dead, Sam or Teal'c either. But sheesh... The emotional roller coaster should be a ride at Cedar Point!

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