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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Well, I don't know what to say about this one...

For starters, I am a gate geek. I have been in love with the show since it came to the sci-fi channel. And I love science. I am also a kabbalist. The two really do go hand in hand and yes, as a friend pointed out, it can be dangerous to play with these things when one lacks maturity and compassion and faith. So, as you saw from other posts, I think the LHC is a good thing. There are others out there that I have found who truly have lost all reasonability and believe that it will open a stargate (stable worm hole) to Hell and release Satan.
First, a worm hole and a black hole are TWO different things. Second, the person who is propagating this stargate theory does not give any credit or source information with which a reasonable person may investigate the claims. That makes me suspect from the start. Beyond that, I am terrified of the people who believe there is any purpose to the LHC other than developing a better understanding of the universe.
Currently being discussed on their religious boards, is the belief that the scientists are working for aliens to open a gate to release Satan and allow the Ananaki to return. Frankly, if Enki could return he would not need our help. If not for the purpose of subjugating Earth then they believe that the LHC is designed to either sterilize or "turn" them into homosexuals by mutating their genes. Several people, including a self described minister will have wrapped their weiners in foil. If aluminum foil could prevent anykind of particulate mutation then there would be little need for any genetic research, we could prevent all sorts of disease just by wearing foil suits.
The things they discuss reveal a complete lack of intelligence, a foundamental disregard for the sanctity of human relations and, as I have feared all a long, are nothing more than uneducated frat boys looking for a reason to party. The end of their world, should they really believe this is it, should not be cause to sink to their lowest human instinct, but rather a final attempt to reach for their Maker. These ignorant voters will undoubtedly be voting republican in this election, hoping that this disease can be spread through their own political agenda through the Christian right who see Satan behind every door.
They have gone so far as to compile a list of persons who should be destroyed in the final countdown. I find the list appalling as it demands absolute rule without mercy.

See them yourself at
Be afraid. Be very afraid. And remember the most sanctified thing in our world is us. No matter how you disagree with someone, that G'd made them is a reason to give them mercy and Compassion. Unless you believe in an eye for an eye. Then remember this, when they are done eliminating everyone they dislike because of a FANATICAL interpretation of their rights under their religion, they will come after you when you have shown them something to dislike about you. But... if everyone else is gone, who will watch your six?
I don't really care how you interpret your faith, by what dogmatic machine you live your life so long as it is lived in the Spirit, with the Grace and Mercy available to all from the Creator. What I care about is people who use their narrow interpretation to puff themselves up. These people who have made a lengthy list of death sentences have forgotten one very important, key verse of their own doctrine... "that ALL have sinned and fallen short". The same thing that drives fanatical Islam is that which drives Fanatical Christianity, fanatical anything... pride and intolerance and an extreme case of self righteousness. G'd save us all from ourselves. Satan does not need to lift a finger to destroy humanity... we are rushing to do it for him.

1 comment:

  1. "These ignorant voters will undoubtedly be voting republican in this election..."

    Ouch. I think I understand your point. But surely you don't believe ignorance is a republican-only concern. I have seen some pretty wacked out Democrats lately to boot. Personally, I think these are simply people who need to get jobs and move out of their mom's basements.

    But for every Christian right wing nut case, I assure you that there are an equal number of atheist, left wing losers as well that deserve some love. Heck, just wander over to the Democratic Underground or the DailyKos during feeding time.
