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Monday, March 22, 2010

the perfect retort comes hours after it is too late to use

I envy people who can come up with the witty oneliners or the creative cut in the moment. Yeah, Tom Hanks did warm Meg Ryan that once it is said it is hard to take it back. And he is right. But there are times when it is ok to say something that hurts to keep it bottled up. Of course, last night wasn't one of them. Last night I would have just been being mean and smug. Of course the person who would have received my disdain needs to be reminded that I am not stupid and not a chump. While I don't know that it would have been necessary to say it, it would at least have been amusing. Because I would have delivered the speech in the best Data voice I could muster.


  1. I think that's why I slapped her back. It was the perfect retort.

  2. It was NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That is either total caveman behavior (sorry geicko)or just plain old 1950's out of control man.
