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Sunday, March 28, 2010

new blog

I've just been cruising through the blogosphere and have found 3 new blogs to follow. Two I am following privately on my personal list because I haven't decided if they are 6 degrees of commonality or not. But I may be throwing them your way soon. The one I did add to the blog list next door is Pigtown design. The photos are gorgeous. And if you never get to go anyway outside of cyberspace then it is my pleasure to introduce you to people who will show you the world.
These aren't your average travel brochure pin-ups of common travel destinations. As a matter of fact, the posting that convinced me to share with you the beauty of their work, is about a little place called Chapter Mews. Basically Queen Elizabeth had a building remodeled to accommodate apartments (flats, for non Brit lit readers) in a former governmental building. Akin to the way we re purpose churches and old schools in TC, it is amazing where Brits are willing to house the population. And it is the kind of thing that I like to see when I go somewhere new.
True, the first place I find is the coffee shop with the wifi hook up. And obviously I want to cruise the bookstores and music when I hit a new town. But if I want to know a community, I travel the residential streets and look at the way the community has grown organically instead of the way city planners slop a kind of miracle gro on their main streets to attract the most visitors.
I hope that you will visit that blog and make it one of your favorites.

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