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Friday, April 9, 2010

do NOT cross the streams!!!!

But by all means keep your fingers crossed. Whatever the motivation, my brother has been promoting me about town and wrangled an invitation to Art Walk. It's this big shindig downtown that begins and ends fudgie season. The store owner he spoke to isn't doing the Spring walk. But she is interested in doing the fall. And she needs artists to display outside of her store and generate some positive community spirit karma.
The idea wracks every last nerve. I don't think that I have to man a booth (Houston, we have issues). But I will have stuff out on the sidewalk with my name on it. Yikes! But cool. At any rate, I on't know what the details are and haven't met her yeet. But she seems hip to the idea which leads me to believe that she's been to bro's to see what I've done for his walls.

Please gang, keep your fingers crossed and send me the same kind of karma that I would send you. You never know when your big break will happen. But you have to not be so nervous about it that you miss the shot.


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