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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Know Yourself, Know Your Skills

I had a bad job interview, a cattle call for insurance agents. The last thing that I was asked in a group setting was, "How do you handle rejection?" I said what I was supposed to say thinking that he meant what will I do when a potential client opts out of what I have to offer, "They aren't rejecting me but an opportunity. It's their choice." Since I was dismissed from the cattle drive there are things I wish that I had said.

"Well that's what ice-cream and Dove fudge topping is for."
"Who's got a 5th of the Cap'n.?"
"Let Calgon take me away."
"Cry, mope, sigh and enjoy the week long party of one that is my Pityfest."

So, in the spirit of the GHI team I told myself "Onto the Next." And I cried a little. Sweetie took me to Jimmy John's for supper and then we let it sink in. That was Monday. Yesterday I baked a cake. Well three. Two mini rounds and a rectangle cake. So I guess what I do in the face of rejection is the same thing I do for every experience in my life... I create.

It's what I do. Sure, I can process things like laundry. But the process is most enjoyable for me when it is a step in creating a thing and not the thing itself. I need to get out of laundry and into something where I am using all of my skills. That is the know yourself part. Skills? Well that is a horse of another color.

I am good at a lot of things. But what skill is going to be the one I need to focus on to get me to the point of financial stability? I am an entrepreneur at heart. I am always going to be working on something so it isn't like I am looking for a quick retirement from whatever comes next in my life. It is just finding that next thing that I can do and do well enough to be paid for it. If the job interview showed me anything it is that I am not hungry enough for what I need. But I guess I am hungry enough for this Raspberry Zinger Cake.

And yes, it tastes just like it. But I like to think that it is better for you because it is homemade.

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