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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Accessing the unified field

Whatever the unified field is called it's function is to hold everything together and energize whatever is in it. For most of the vast cosmos there is no conscious interaction with the field. A star forms; a star exists. People are part of the cosmic creation process and we can choose how we function within that field once we have come to exist. It is a humbling and at the same time exciting concept to understand.
For several years now I have been studying the spiritual concepts across the earth. And last night, during one of my class' exercises, I got as close as I have been to the cosmic center... what some call the Source and others call Christ-consciousness, than I have since returning from Marquette. I have been able to access the field on purpose and communicate with one of my guides in a way that I have not done for fear or disbelief. Of course to some this may sound like hogwash or witchery, but it is simply the Creator sharing with its creation that which was meant to be shared from the beginning until Avarice showed up and spoiled the fun. What is the point to this exercise?
To heal myself, others and to participate according to the invitation of birth that we were all given before getting lost in a world belief that pursues nothing but perishable goods. The spirit never dies but I have a horrible feeling that it can be lost, diverted or worse languish on the edge of vast No-thing-ness.
That is a fate worse than death.

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