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Monday, May 5, 2008

Did I mention my grandparents?

Gramma & Grampa were the best encouragement that a person could have. I think I mentioned that Grampa was responsible for fostering my geekhood. He instilled the exhausting standards that I have embraced with zeal. Gramma was the one that encouraged dreaming, exploring the spiritual world and sharing joy.
Because of both of them I am an artist and almost everything else that I am. I never heard "no" or "can't" from them when it came to trying something. Gramma said "Tell me about it." And if I ran into a topic that made people uncomfortable Grampa said "Let's have a look." He came at issues from several sides before rejecting or assimilating something. Where he accepted things with curiosity and appreciation, I accept and embrace with irrational zeal. Grampa was a tempering influence that I am sure my family misses dearly when I start to prattle.
I named my company AOG STUDIOS to honor them and the qualities they have helped me to cultivate... whimsy with a dash of tradition.
I cherish Alfred and Olive Gerbstadt every day.

1 comment:

  1. I am Erna Gerbstadt's (Heupel) granddaughter. Please call my mom, Edith, at 248-661-0724. She would love to speak with you and catch up on our family.
