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Monday, May 5, 2008

technophobic Geek

I know, it seems wrong to be a Geek and be technophobic. That's the traditional part of me that really likes the touch and feel of cotton rag paper. But the part of me, the social animal (despite previous post to the contrary) that wants to safely see the world has been a lot of places with the Internet via other peoples' blogs to want to be part of the bigger picture.
I was at Wil Wheaton's site today and got the good goosebumps all over when I read about some really geekworthy events happening in his area over the weekend. I would love to have been at a comiccon (comic convention) or the noncon (non convention) convention as well as be at the brewery where he was doing a reading. It's not because he's Wesley Crusher or famous. It's because he is so much like me... a Geek. We have to stick together after all.
I'm not really afraid of technology as in the "Replicators are coming!" it's that technology makes it too easy for some people to find me. I know... mad people skills-get them. I will. It's that whole anticipating bad vibes thing. So what do I do? Normally I would dive down the rabbit hole. This time, now that I have put myself on the web, I will simply anticipate making good friends and better business networks in the name of artistic expression!
Fie on any one who would stop me!

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