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Thursday, May 22, 2008

do you believe in magic?

I have to say I do. And I know that there are good psychics out there. You certainly can't trust all of them. It's like anything else, you have to get a feel for them. I won't go to any old doctor just because he/she says he/she's one. I don't recommend going to any psychic just because he/she says he/she's one. Use your head and your heart.
I have a couple I see on a regular basis because they have proven themselves honorable and reliable. One is willing to teach me how to tap into my own gifts which I keep doubting. And the other is willing to pop off with a comment that leads into a discussion that by all rights I should pay for but don't. Joan and Verta are the best I've met on a regular basis.
Like I said, Joan did a reading for my birthday and said that I would be writing by the end of Spring. That that path would take me away on travels and would bring me some economic freedom. It would open doors. I also said I misinterpreted her reading and immediately thought novel. I lacked the imagination to see something else. Why didn't Joan tell me it was copy writing? Here's why Joan is a good psychic... she knew that my lack of imagination would prevent me from believing the reading and taking it seriously. I would have gotten in my own way. Worse I would have slammed the door in Destiny's face.

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