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Thursday, May 22, 2008

So how do I cope with this sticky door?

For starters, I looked into the agency that sent me a direct mail flier yesterday. It is for a writing course. Why? I love to write. Just look at the blog. Second I love to write, I'd love to be a paper back writer but will take some baby steps to learn sustainability. Thirdly, they promise me that diligence will bring in loads of cash because while many people will take the course not many will follow through and pursue clients. In short order I can make all the cash I need to finance my business equipment; learn valuable direct marketing skills to increase my chances of landing major accounts for my own business; and best of all be completely independent of that annuity. It really is only a carrot and not a very big one at that.
Why would I even look at a direct marketing brochure? Normally I don't. But the company name says it all... Artists and Writers. That's what I am. That's what I do and that is what I want to be. It was also not that flimsy little tri-fold or #10 envelope stuffed with postcards that I normally get. It looked like something I may have ordered and forgotten about.
So how do I know that this is the right course?(Pun intended) Tracey made me promise that the housekeeping gig would be temporary because of the health effects. And Joan's reading back in January said I would be taking the writer's route to success. I thought she meant my paperback aspirations. So I've been plugging away at MI Works trying to make anything happen. In so doing I triggered some kind of direct mail deluge and there among the flotsam and jetsam I found my life preserver.
I am going for it. I'll still blog and I'll be doing art with a vengeance. But I won't be relying on the vague promise of possibility but on the tenacity and temerity that angered and made my mother so envious. I refuse to give up on hope and this program has it in abundance.

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