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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

it's a great big universe...

and we're all really puny. Just tiny little specks about the size of Mickey Rooney.
Thank you Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. Any way, my point, if I truly had one, is to say for as large as the world seems and for as disconnected as people in general tend to believe we are, I have found that there are more people like me than I could ever have imagined. Today Wil spoke of the Death Star playset and the long lasting sorrow of having traded it for a landspeeder. We are very close to the same age and had I the good fortune to have had the set i too could have been talked into a trade. I ended up on another site that was full of the stuff that I thought I was the only one who remembered or cared about. (Lit. police prep end alert! I know, my bad)
We, on a human level are not so disconnected as we tend to think. The lines in the sand are completely arbitrary. We chose to cross some one's line to join their side; we chose which some one's lines are worth being angry over being drawn in the first place. Do I want to be a Rockefeller? Not really. Do I want to be Hollywood? Not all of it. What I want in my life I draw the lines.
No other lines matter. It's a great big Universe. If it's not big enough for all of us there is a problem.

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