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Monday, July 14, 2008

It isn't easy being geeky

I have offended someone who I wished to reconnect with. It's been ten years. I wanted everyone to know where we all stood so that no one could say "I didn't know." I also, honestly answered some questions. I should have lied? I think so. But I am a geek. If there is no honesty then there is no math, no quantum anything. If there is no quanta then there is no Universe. It is a simple equation that I have to insist on in all my interactions: Know me, Know you, or there is no Us.

I may be a bit overzealous in assuring that everyone is on the same page. I have, in the past, gone along quite merrily thinking that everything is just fine only to have my canoe tip midstream in a fast current without a lifejacket. I don't intend to venture into unknow waters unprepared again.

I have read in the Globe that bookish people have better social skills. I have always been under the impression that the bookworm is the one who gets eaten first because it can't see beyond the edge of a page. I am more empathic and can predict events and reactions because I read. Star Trek books are great for that because Deanna gets to do more than just stand around looking pensive or worried. And I knew I ran the risk of offending but I had to take the chance. I didn't want things to go bad again. But now they will never go anywhere.

It isn't easy being geeky even now that geek is cool. Cooler? Not the coolest but close.

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