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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Oppression comes in many guises

One such guise is the helpful relative that only wants you to be happy while they are holding the leash. I will not be subjugated.

I loved my new job right up until my brother made comments about it. All the years that I have been self employed, he has been trying to tell me that I should have a regular job. He gave me the usual arguments: it's more stable, it's a regular paycheck, you can count on the money, and that it was better than self employment on a resume. So I got a regular job with a paycheck, stable and reliable income and it will look great on my resume. "But it's housekeeping" he said. Yeah, so? "It isn't very artistic, is it?" Yet another part of my life he had tried to get me to relinquish.

No. It wasn't art. And it hurts. There is a lot of physical labor involved. But, They like me. They like my work. They laugh at my jokes. And when we have people who stay for more than three days we develop relationships. I have someone I consider my nephew, another brother, a little sister and a couple of frat boy type friends (if I had been a boy and in a frat) and best of all a sister the same age. I get along with everyone. All of the fears I had in going out to find a job have been laid to rest here. It isn't art. It isn't what I would have chosen for myself... thus the point of a temp agency.

This job threatened to make me happy in ways that brother could not have anticipated and strengthened my resolve to battle him for the rights to my own life that he could not have calculated. By reminding me that it wasn't my destination, he tried to steal the joy. and for a few days it worked. I did not have the desire to be there and it spurred a bout of insomnia. I felt trapped and forsaken by my own desires. It has taken me weeks to get over this.

I work for a great company with a great bunch of people. I don't always like being in charge as the assistant to the head housekeeper, it makes it difficult to maintain a room cleaning groove. But I wouldn't want to work anywhere else at this point in my life.

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