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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So you want to be a writer now?

Yes. I do. I always have. If I wasn't drawing and coloring as a child I was writing. And I've nevr stopped.
So where is this collection of handwritten manuscripts? Mostly gone. The ones I liked best were stolen by a boyfriend. He took a lot of things with him when he left. But the loss of a 3 subject notebook full of one to four page stories was the emotional equivalent of being sucked into space by a hull breach. As they say no one can hear you scream. And in my life no one cared what he took so long as he was gone.
I've started some fan fiction, wrote scenes for some of my favorite characters and tried to keep my thoughts together enough to actually finish a novel. But, something in me says "I can't do it." and the stupidest and apparently strongest part of me says "You're right!" But I am still determined.
I am going to take that class and I am going to write copy so that I can then have time and resource to write fiction. Most of the fiction that I write is for myself anyway. I just like to be humored in a Frasier/Niles fashion but I have to write it myself now.
Live in the past much?

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