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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Old or just advanced?

With the pending reunion, age seems to be a hot button topic. Two of my friends have 17 year old kids. It doesn't seem to them that we are 20 years out of highschool. I'm without kids so for me I am in a perpetual state of teenhood. I listen to the same bands, I like the same kinds of tv shows and as I have said all over the place... I could watch Mac Gyver forever. And I will always like cartoons of many stripes. Pen and Ink and animated. I'd make a great babysitter for the right age kids, more Mary Poppins than Mrs. Doubtfire... or more Wanda (FOP) than Alice from the Brady Bunch. But I just can't seem to want to believe that time passes like it does. Oh I know, space-time continuum and all, but physics be damned... I don't see any reason to be any different than what I was in school.
I was the most responsible one out of the three of us and I never really lived much, having been everyone's babysitter and big sister through all of school. And then there was also the volunteering with the adults... that makes a sober teen to be sure. I blossomed without ever noticing things about me that everyones else did. I think the p sychologists would say that I am a repressed individual breaking out of a limiting cocoon. I have a different life. It isn't better. It isn't worse. It's just different. Comtria! Don't get me wrong, I like who I am. I just wish that I were a little younger than I am. Or maybe, I wish that I had been part of my friends' lives these past 20 years so that I could share my perpetual youth and not feel so... so what... so guilty? for my youthful enjoyments. I'm somewhere in between two things. I just have no idea what two things those might be.

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