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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Kan Xul..... gesundheit!

Last night's episode of Castle has me searching through online resources for Mayan kings. Fabulous episode with Indiana Jones and Scooby Doo references, I am still squeeing about it. There are a lot of elements to like about every episode but last night's was so FULL of Geeky Goodness from Charlie's girlfriend on Numb3rs guest starring to the veiled Star Trek reference that everyone just ignored!!!!!!! So I am looking up good king Kon Shu (K'an Xul) and in the list of Mayan Kings of Palenque in the Yucataan region I see something worth looking into.

If you were just too look at the list in English and not in glyphs, you could as an amateur, mistake them for Egyptian Kings... at first glance. Ahkal Mo' Nahb sounds like someone that I've come across in my Egyptian studies. But when you get further down the list to Kan Bahlam I hear a link to Balaam one of the enemies of the early Hebrews; as in Balaam's error. Ajen Yohl Mat calls to mind Ma'at, an Egyptian entity of judgement. And that is just for starters.

It's probably a stretch to say there is any commonality in names from disparate cultures separated by oceans. Yet... if van Daniken is right then there are no limits to the range these old ruler/deities would have known. I'm not saying they are the same gods/rulers. Only that they derive their names from a more common source than we want to believe. And it's just a fun exercise in linguistic futility. After all just because a words sound the same doesn't make them the same.

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