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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Land of Things I Will Never Understand

This is getting to be some pretty crowded territory! I know you know that being a geek is easier on the intellectual topics but not so much in human relations. So it will come as no surprise to you that I just don't get some people. And the types of some peoples that I don't get is an ever expanding category.

1. Malicious people who say things about you and your friends in hopes of dividing the friendship: First I don't understand why they do this in the first place. If it is to steal a friend from someone else that is stupid. Be friends with both. Or live and let live. Second if you do that to an enlightened person who is going to go to their friend and say "Dude, I wish you had told me you felt that way." you have to know you're going to get busted. And when the truth is out one of us is going to confront you. Case in point.

I was told that a good friend a. was trying to oust me from my job and b. that she told a bunch of people details of a relationship that I didn't want generally broadcast. So I said to her "The Pot Stirrer is at it again. What are we going to do about it?" My friend confronted the Pot Stirrer who denied ever having said it. Then in front of me said "I wish people would quit saying that I said things I didn't say." What? Well I guess it is no surprise. She tends to believe her lies so deeply that she seems to overwrite ever file in her head. I dare the secret government organization who retrieves our deleted emails from the ether to dig through her brain pan and NOT go completely mental in the process!!!

But the thing that I don't understand about the whole thing is that The Pot Stirrer then announced: "I'm going to go home and delete my facebook account and empty my cell phone! I am so sick of every body's bullshit... saying I said things I didn't say... have been places that I haven't been." She said it as though it was the worst thing that she could do to any of us and that we would be sorry for it. Huh? Sorry that she won't be driving wedges into friendships? Sorry that she won't be spreading half truths or out right lying? This is one of the women (childish little girls, truthfully) who was directly responsible for making sure that Sir Knight impaled his tomboyish Maiden Fair fatally through the heart instead of enjoyably in other places. And I'm supposed to be sad that she wants nothing to do with me? Hallelujah! Pop open the 7 Seals and let the Apocalypse begin!!!! You don't get teh Second Coming without the 4 Horsemen.... BRING IT ON!!!!!

2. I do not understand people who draw lines in the sand to keep you away and then get mad when you go play in a different sandbox. This is one for the Conversation Starter. Maybe in his infinite wisdom he can explain to me how this works. Sir Knight draws a line in the sand. I do not cross it. As a matter of fact I avoid it like it's an electric fence with about a 1000 gigawatts of juice coursing through its conductive veins. The line is the No Flirt Zone. I see him coming I run the other way. I don't make eye contact. I've done everything that I can to make sure that he knows that I know that the kind of elbow bumping nudge nudge wink winking in the hallways is totally off the table. But then he forgets himself after a few weeks and flirts. I made the mistake of thinking that meant I could flirt back because the New Berlin Wall came down. Oops! It was just cloaked in  light bending shield and my nose is bloody. So there has been a new understanding. We have been scheduled as many opposing shifts as possible. There is only one day that we spend 8 hours together and he avoids my department like its infested with tribbles. The AGM did this because "No one wants to work with you.... especially [redacted to protect me from libel or slander in case anyone can figure out who Sir Knight is]."

So yesterday I walk my newly reduced by 16 pounds ass into work in a really good mood because things are finally starting to even out in the me v. the world category. He' standing at the front desk in a conversation that I don' want to interrupt. I give out the general "Hey!" to everyone and keep moving. He says "Straw." and makes one of  those Commander Riker turns to walk elbow to hip through the corridor to the employee lounge in Riker-Troi fashion.
"So what are you up to?" He asks all husky voiced and seemingly genuinely interested in how things are going because it has been so long since we've had a real conversation. He might miss that as much as I do. But I am not falling for it again.
"About 5'8"."   [ba da bum!]
As we take a few more steps, he is grabbing at the bag slung over my shoulder. He stops takes my elbow and moves the bag forward out of his way and gives me a sideways Ferris to Cameron kick in the ass.
HEELLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Line in the sand!!!!! WTF???
When I get to the employee lounge I look back and him as he is going into the office across the hall. He looks a bit dejected as he is staring after me like a puppy left at the front door.
"You didn't really expect a different answer did you?"
He shook his head and barely above a whisper says "No."
Never saw him the rest of the day.

He really only will talk to me when no one else can see us. He will only play with me when no one else can see us. If he were really still mad at me he wouldn't even bother trying to talk to me. So why the cloak and dagger? Why still act like the line has to be there? Why go through any of this at all? He said to me once that I wouldn't quit because there were good reasons to stay. "Like what?" He spread his arms wide and said "All the love." I hadn't the heart to tell him that he was the biggest reason that I was looking for another job. And if the love of the Pot Stirrer, Gully Dwarf, Bean Counter and the menacing Horde of Harpies is what I have to look forward to then there is no reason to stay once I have found a better fit. Why draw so firm a line of demarcation if you aren't going to respect it yourself?
I know that happens to people who try to quit smoking or diet... the habit is terribly strong to break. Sure, you'd think that being afraid of the deaths that await those demographics is a reason for them to respect the line and not cross it. But it is a force as strong as gravity. What is it that drags Sir Knight back into my orbit? Does he just like to torture himself or is he torturing me?

And why do we have to have these types of people in our galaxies anyway? I will never understand these kinds of people.

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