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Friday, August 27, 2010

Vertigo is only fun when it is a U2 song

I've been away a lot this week. Its not that there is nothing to write home about. It's just that... well... um.... my blond is showing again. I was going to be out of town anyway so the driving time was bound to cut into anything else. But somewhere between the table and the door the connector between 'puter and cord fell on the floor. I got all the way downstate before I realized that it wasn't there. Grr....

So here's the skinny on the low down: Horrible sinus infection that makes mono look like a cold. I was supposed to be on a mini vacation, see some sights, hang with friends go to dinner etc... etc... etc... What I did instead was crawl into bed about 2pm Monday afternoon with the covers over me and the AC off to sweat out the fever I felt coming on. I did not lose the nice lunch I managed to have. But I sweated it out until dinner time. Throat was soar and achy and I almost had no voice. But we toured town, went to dinner at Olive Garden, I was praying since I was downstate that there would be a good chance of being served Vernor's Ginger Ale. Which, btw, if you've never had because you are not from MI/OH/IL then you have been deprived of one of the liveliest, richest and soothing drink experiences in the world. Rectify the problem immediately. Alas no Vernors. But they did have this new and amazing drink... the Berry Acqua Fresca.  It is as smooth as honey and filled with all the blueberry pomegranate acai goodness you want when you are sick. I got the chicken Marsala and we called it a night not long after finishing dinner. Got back into bed and slept from 8-11am... just in time to check out. We all went to grab lunch and then I left.
I got about two hours away when the vertigo kicked in and I had to nap. It was a rough road trip. Hard to believe that I drove all the way downstate just to go out to eat a couple of times. Funny, funny fate. See fate laugh. See Fate laugh at sherry. Laugh Fate laugh.
It was not a totally wasted trip though. I found the ordeal of driving down there easier than the last time. My road performance was better and i didn't get a bunch of people whipping around me from both sides like I was standing still. That always seems to happen as I am heading into Saginaw... I don't know why. But at any rate, on the way home i got a call from and new friend and I have been totally loving hanging out with new friend... I am not sure where in the Venn Diagram of Geek he belongs. But he is definitely one of us.
So that is why the posts have been absent this week. Besides, you guys really did need a break from the  too frequently posted works.

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