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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

etchant, perchance to dream....

Apparently there is this great little bottle of creative goo at Radio Shack hiding under everyone's noses. It's called etchant. I did not discover it. The credit for that goes to a writer at one of my art magazines. And it produces a piece of etched metal that is absolutely incredible for embellishments. I may even have to consider it for some pendants in my chokers.
I've mentioned this whimsy with a dash of tradition philosophy I have. The whole aesthetic in my company goes right back to the 50's when my grampa was with an outfit that sent memos via manila envelope with a stringer seal. I have a few magnesium printer's blocks that he found along the way. Grampa was always tinkering in the garage, making repairs and creating his own tools. I have been looking for embellishments to work within that aesthetic and now I have found out how to do it.
First big paycheck is this week. I need to see Indy, buy etchant and start putting my fiscal house in order after being out of work for so long. But I promise that there will be samples as soon as I get to the Library.

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