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Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I think I have solved my technical difficulty in downloading photos/scans... the public library. They have a guru there that can help me figure out how to post photos. yea!!!! Now I only need a money guru to unlock my annuity. Another tech guru who can help me buy a digi cam and something called a macros lens so that I don't get soaked in the tech store. And a really really really super cool never before seen on tv or anywhere else studio organization system.

Currently I am working out of my bedroom. All I can say about it is at least I am able to work. If others had their way it would all still be packed away. I am sure that it the goal. Pack everything away so that she will forget her foolishness.

I say to them and anyone else tempted to "forget their foolishness" if Edison had given up when his family told him to we would still be sitting in the dark. If Whitney had given up we'd all be picking cotton by hand. If Bill Gates had given up then who knows what Al Gore could claim inventorship to. No, I am not any of the aforementioned fellas. I doubt that I will change the world so significantly that I make the Time 100 of this century. But what I do will make a difference on a personal level that I hope has a lasting impact beyond the pages of Time.

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