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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Some doors open more easily than others

I have been having difficulty with money for the last few months,as I have already explained. And it would seem that my problems are not yet over. To resolve my cash flow issues, I joined a temp agency. Just as I was ready to chuck everything again, a conversation with a good friend reminded me that a door would have to open because it had to. Reasonable when one is trusting Providence. So I said, I guess my best bet is the temp agency and I just won't sweat it. The very next job they put me on asked me to apply within an hour of getting there. Within a week I was asked to be the head housekeeper's assistant. Now as we are all excited to work together I find the temp agency has a few things to learn about disclosure.
First I was told it was 90 days from working with them. Then I was told 90 days working with the client. Then the client was told 90 days with the agency and 90 days with them. So either way I look at it I can't be full time on the schedule for most of the Summer. That really translates into a significant blow... economic rebound will not happen at the predicted desirable rate. How like the rest of the country.

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