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Monday, July 14, 2008

How much for just the Planet?

It is number 36 of the OS Star Trek novels. It is hilarious. It is the Alice in Wonderland episode that you wish they would have done on screen. The indegenous persons have figured out that the Federation is a conglammorate; for good or evil, it doesn't matter. Their only defense against a takeover, hostile or otherwise, is to make certain that no one wants the Idyll. One of the best running gags is calling Kirk by his complete wrong full name. James Calligula Kirk. LOL!!!!! The other is by making certain the the Klingons are as befuddled as the Earthers. They will let them(either them) have just the planet. No people. No crops. No flora or fauna. Just the chunk of rock in orbit around the local sun. And do they take everyone for a ride.

I wonder, what would it take for us to buy out the Elite that Suck the Joy from Life? Couldn't we let them have just the planet and remain our own persons? Why do I ask? It was just something that occurred to me after visiting Think Geek for t-shirts that I will never buy because I am still a bit technophobic.

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