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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Classic rock/pop/punk is not a marketing tool!

I am so disgusted with the thought that great songs I loved for what they added to my life are being used to slowly rewrite my hardware to associate them with products. I do not want to link my tunes with some piece of gadgetry that will be out of sate and require another song to be used to promote a different product. I know, Sting endorsed a hybrid with the Brand New Day album.
That was his personal choice, the product reflected his personal ethic and the music was new and fresh and yet yet associated with friends and good times. Besides, I blindly follow my muse. De Doo Doo Doo...

1 comment:

  1. When you sell your soul to rock and roll, it's easy to get disgusted by those who had no soul (or at the very least it was/is a very dark and small one) to begin with.

    I never felt that way until I saw the commercial with Mr. Roboto. Yikes and a half!
