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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gotta go back in time

Wilw is absolutely right about time travel.

You tube has turned out to be a better resource for recreating a mix tape that an exchange student made for me in high school. Messalina went back to Austria and within a few weeks sent me a great package. Sadly I was an idiot and didn't respond quickly enough... that whole empathic stay connected longer than others thing again. The package had a tape in it with over three hours of music recorded from a radio station. All German all the time.

I wore the tape out learning the lyrics and trying to memorize the artists that went with the music. It was the background to a lot of my homework sessions, some of my fiction writing sessions. But mostly, especially after Grampa died, it was my meditation. I'd lay in front of my east facing window at night, in the moonlight with the head phones on and listen. Peter Alexander's "Schwarzes Gold" is the most like "grampa style" German music. It recalls a nationalist feeling like Edleweiss does for Austria. But it is romanticized and a little country. While not a ragtime melody, it brings to mind the era of the Sting. I don't know why I always thought that. Perhaps my German wasn't good enough to imagine it was different or more than a song about working for oil. Today I find, if the You tube poster is accurate, it was done in 1979. And my German still isn't very good.

I can, even while present and writing in 2010, feel and see myself on the blue carpet in my room. Right now, in 1987, it is a mid-afternoon in July. My feet are on the wood trim of the bottom of the window sill while my back is on one of Gramma's floral sheets. The sheet is a cool barrier between me and my carpet. The sun is on the other side of the house but the air coming in the open window is "varmish" and the sun still bright.
"Ohne leiber. Ohne Leiber.... Herzt uber Kopf. Hertz uber Kopf! ...ein fam einsen Keit" while I am reading a story from Marion Zimmer Bradley. "Mists of Avalon" that Carol Bliss lent me. While I am lost in this song I look at the cover of a woman on horseback, traveling across a misty moor, braided head hung in contemplation or grief. I can't tell which.
I an smell warm grass on the slight breeze. I miss Grampa, hit the rewind button to go back to the strings on Hertz uber Kopf, and tears start to drip down by my ear lobe. After a while I can feel them pool around the earphones. The cushiony part is getting wet and irritating. Instead of finishing the book I've decided to consciously listen to the music. This song over and over until the pain starts to ease. Then I listen to the rest of the tape.

The tape self destructed in 1989. After such use and abuse the cassette player spit out several feet of brown shiny tape and the cassette was useless. I still have it. And I have the cassette holder somewhere in storage. In 2010 I can still sing along with most of the things that I have found on Youtube. I've got ten songs of the whole tape. All four of Roland Kaiser's songs, two of Herbert Groenemeyer, the beep beep song from the Spider Murphy gang...

What a trip. Those were good Summers. Good friends. Great grandparents. Thank God I can safely go back in time this way.


  1. If I went back in time, I'd go back to earlier this afternoon so I would know where I dropped my socks.

  2. BTW, if you do go back in time, will you run into Marty and Doc?
