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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tyranny uncovered

How can a department run effciently when there is only rule by committee?

I was put incharge when we started. It's unofficial. Jessy told me that there was no money or title in the position but that someone needed to figure things out and train everyone how to do things. When Jessy was replaced Sam left things the way they were. And Jodi din't say that we were not going to have leadership. So how do we now have rule by committee?

Told today that it was unfair for me to have my way all the time. If we were in someone's home that would be true. But we are in work. And work must run efficiently. Change for the sake of change is no way to get things done. If you watched how things are done now you would cringe. Two of the girls get in their own way all the time. And now they are in everyone's way which was what both of them hated about working last Summer's madhouse rush. So now everything is in everyone's way and our ability to get things out the door is diminished.

You can not run anything by committee and get it done. I have been trying to get things back to the way we were doing it last Summer because everyone eas happy from us little peons to the bug shot. But we have someone who will not learn. Lazy-brained is a nice way to put it. and I can't stand that.

So I guess now we see an ugly side of me that I didn't know was there... I am a tyrant when it comes to logic and process and such. I've used words. Then I used anger. Then the silent treatment. Now I just have to let them have their way even if it doesn't make sense and it drives me nuts. I'll have to listen to everyone complain about needing more help because there is too much laundry. But if they would quit moving pieces and stacks of pieces from one end of their work space to the other three or four times then they wouldn't have to complain. We aren't going to be allowed more help. There is a magical formula beyond my comprehension that the bean counter uses and we will not be able to get passed that.

The tyrant is kinda ugly, admittedly. I don't really like her. But the tyrant has to protect the part of me that wants to die when I come home and feel like an absolute failure because everyone is complaining about everything. And the tyrant wants some respect. It's tired of the wimpy me feeling like she deserves to be mistreated. While it is a necessity... it is an ugly thing in me. If Sir Knight saw that back around january then it is no wonder that he decided to detonate the Valentine bomb. But why not talk about that? Another mystery.

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