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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bad News on the Door Step

Sadly, we have lost a follower. I don't know what I said yesterday that made our friend leave. But I am kinda sad. I know tastes change happens and sometimes you have to edit a blog reading list because there will never be enough hours in the day to do the fun stuff without getting busted by your boss. Still our little group has held steady at 18 followers for so long. I'd hoped that we would grow our numbers. But that is life.

I made a typo on facebook today. "Finally got my geek groove back" came out Finally got my geek grove back". Of course my friend the English major/ Music Doctor caught it. Funny how those little mistakes reflect so much. When you look at the followers list, you all seem to have been planted there in neat little rows.... rather like a cherry grove. So in a way, having regular access to my blog is like having my grove back... but minus a tree.

I need to think happy thoughts. I hope that she is ok and that she just got bored or busted by an employer and had to trim her blog list. I hate to think that she just got everything deleted because the spectre of death took solid form. Yeah...... I need to think happy thoughts. That is to morbid even for a person descended from the creators of Schadenfreude.

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