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Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm in!

I am now part of the techno age. Woo hoo!
Last night I finaly figured out how to download pictures from my computer. It requires using the webcam for still shots. But i got it. Iwent home and played with pictures of my artwork. That will be a bit problematic as there is tremendous washout in artificial light. This gizmo doesn't have advanced adobe adjustments and the basics just don't get it right. Yes, I am a littlee anal retentive about it. It's my art. My soul... my stars! I just sounded like Shatner in my head... I need caffine.
I probably really need protein, but that is another story. So now that i have some concept of what I am doing, I am very much happier about the state of my blog. For my next trick... art on a blog!

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