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Monday, July 5, 2010

If your blog post make you think you're crazy see a doctor.

I had a physical today and while for the most part it went well... you know just had to prove I am who I am and that I don't smoke or do drugs and oh yeah we need blood and urine. Both of which I have in abundance. The problem with the physical is that it wasn't with my regular doctor so now I have to book and appointment with him.

It would seem that I am subtle in many regards. Chiefly in this context, the concern is that it was too hard for her to read my blood pressure of find my pulse. I know that my pulse likes to hide when it is stressed out in the doctor's office; it always has been. Yep... that's me, I just anthropomorphised a body function. Anyhoo... the problem wasn't the faint pulse which read a weak 50 so much as it is the blood pressure. Mine is normally low. When I last saw a doctor and it was 160 over something relatively normal I was panicking because for me it felt faster than it should be. And it was. But now it is lower than it ever has been. This is troubling because I have been dizzy for the last two weeks, 24/7.

It's the busy season at work and I don't take my regular breaks. Instead I take the time to drink water or pop. I know but I also need the caffeine. And sometimes I don't take my lunches either. I'd rather bust out the work when we get behind. And I'd rather not deal with the people who say that I only stand around and do nothing. So I've not been standing around. So I thought that I was just wearing myself out and dropping my blood sugar. Before the fingers start to get shaky I eat the protein. It hasn't helped. My next thought is that the dizziness is because I can't get more than about 3 or 4 hours of sleep because of my living arrangements. It turns out, after having fallen asleep during Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back and sleeping until ten this morning that may not be the case either. I was still dizzy and the heart still feels like it is being run through Jack Lalaine's juicer. So I told the nurse that. She said she can't diagnose me but that she is concerned enough to have me see a regular doctor.

So now I am waiting for that schmuck to see me. And I can't drive long distances until we know what is wrong. If I move too fast in any direction I want to pass out. I've broken into a cold sweat a couple of times at work just turning around too fast. Not a good sign. So since I have to travel for the Internet, it may be a while before I am back. I was supposed to go downstate for a couple of road trips to see some friends. And I was supposed to go up north to pick up my Matthias Reim CDs that my bestest cousin James is sending hoe with his 'rents.

Ever get the feeling that you just can't win no matter what you do? Been going nuts without a car and access to things that make me feel normal. And now that I have wheels and freedom again... grounded. And I didn't do anything wrong!!!! Story of my freaking life!

Oh well. I might get more reading done. You know... if I can sit up long enough to get it done. gr... what a way to spend the Summer.

So hope all of you have fun while I am out. Go out and do. Stay in and write. Keep up the good writing. Entertain yourself and you will entertain your readership. Enjoy the sun underneath healthy layers of sun screen and support you local farmers by purchasing fresh fruits and veggies. Swim in the moonlight. Take picnics with your friends or by yourself.

And so... Tchuess, bis spaeter!

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