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Friday, November 9, 2012

Anticipating Matthias Reim

From the latest newsletter, the reason that I like this guy so much. It confirms what I said last time. He really does connect with his fans; and in such a way that you never feel like it is about the ticket price. Or how many seats you can fill in a concert venue. There are plenty of artists who price products without regard to reaching as many of the people who want to see them but rather price in a way to suggest that the wallet is more important than the person. It keeps the size of the crowd more intimate to be certain. But I've not ever felt the same hing energey atmosphere in those venues. Reim is different.

Matze seems always genuinely pleased with everyone who shows up. It is the first rule of hospitality: Be grateful for the guests who arrived & don't give a thought to those who did not. When you frequently ask why "so and so" didn't show up it makes your attendees feel less important. It's hard to make individuals feel special in a crowd. Yet Reim manages. I see in video footage the things that I always hope to feel when I attend a concert in person. There is energy and magic. And you almost feel as though he knows that you, yourself, are there. I could be okay with a concert video. It is the only way that I can afford a Sting concert. And a little I feel that energy with Sting. Mostly I feel a bit of a lecture with bells and whistles that make learning fun. And that is why I like Sting. But with Matze, it's really like jamming with your friends to the radio in the car on the way to the beach.

Here is what Matze says: improved translation was my doing.

"In recent years I have performed primarily in the Eastern states (former communist region). I am looking forward to the big concert tour that will take me through the whole of Germany. I want all the ones who only had TV or CD in the past to personally know Matthias Reim on stage. This is the place where I live out my truest self, where I feel at home... Unity with the audience, to feel the excitement that some of me is beating as one with the thousands of spectators - that's a feeling I can not describe. And for every day I am grateful again and again.

I will present my new songs from the album "Infinity" - but of course my big hits will not be forgotten. I look forward as animals do and feel like a bull, who scratches with his hooves - I can not wait until it starts.

But until then, I've a lot of work ahead of me. On 25 January 2013 my new album comes out. Right now I'm busy placing the last song on this album. After the recent success of "Seven Lives" I've set myself a high standard. I know that my friends expect a lot from me and I will not disappoint them. "

I love this guy!

And so does my workplace. At least the concensus is that if I make them listen to German pop music they would rather hear Matze than Herbert Groenemeyer. I have an affinity toward "Sprunge" because my 17 year old self was so tuned into the messege in Kinder an die Macht. And I was still in that magical age where music imprints in a permanent way on our psyche. So I get why these guys don't have the fondness I do. I don't get the hate. My supervisor made a face like she had just eaten a rotten piece of meat. But we all agree Matze is geilste!

The anticipation for this album will likely kill me. He might feel like a bull scratching the ground but I feel like I am never gonna get laid even with a naked guy in front of me. I can say with sureity that he will not disappoint. In that regard he and his Doepplegaenger are definately of the same soul.

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