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Monday, August 18, 2008

all the geek that's fit to print

Oooh... now that I am online(sort of) with my own computer, I can wait in breathless anticipation for STAR TREK ONLINE a multi-player game that made it to the Vegas convention this year. I know how I will spend my Mondays and Tuesdays... boldly going where a new star ship captain can go at one half sub-light. I normally suck at these kinds of games. I'm a retro geek- PAC MAN forever!. I think its just because I have never been given the opportunity to increase my proficiency. Someone has to be the adult. PETER PAN forever! I usually have a house to take care of. Not to mention that creating artwork and researching iconography is rather time consuming. is running an article about the effects of the solar wind and a weird sloshing in the Earth's core causing distortions in the magnetosphere. In other words, they think that a polar shift is coming. If a solar flare hits before the field stabilizes after the shift there is potential to fry a lot of life. According to geologic surveys the 1st polar shift was almost instantaneous after several years of dithering. In other words, (I'm taking one huge short cut here- watch your step) when the Mayan calendar ends Dec. 21, 2012, it may be that the polar shift has caused a large amount of people to simply evaporate.
A solar flare that can fry or penetrate the ozone layer carries the same magnitude of radiation as detonating all of our nukes at once. The myths and predictions of apocalypse and rapture may well stem from events such as these that have occurred in our ancient past.
I'm not an astrophysicist by any means. And I freely admit that my postulation borders on speculative fiction. But after years of reading articles on the subject, I can connect a few dots. And it doesn't make a pretty picture for people who like things to stay the same.

I say screw the free trial software. I will just buy the full version.

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