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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Now entering the realm of personal computing

No, really... seriously. This is the inagural post from my very own computer. It is the first I've ever owned. It's a laptop... Acer. Just to prove my geek creds: the computer shares its name with the scientific name for the family of trees that the maple belongs to. acer saccarum is the sugar maple. Thank you TC, I'll be here all week.

I've installed most of the trial software myself. I hope I haven't made a big boo boo somewhere along the line. A friend of mine tells me that typing on a laptop keyboard is something that takes a while to get used to. I have to agree. But on the up side of relearning familiar neural pathways... it probably won't take me long to relearn the single handed typing that I got good at in college, faster than hunt and peck but not so fast as homekey which allows tons of mistakes when your fingers get tied around each other. Ahhhhh... proficiency.

The thing that I will like the best is being able to go to my favorite spots and blog. I really like longhand... the satisfaction of balling up a wad of paper full of uncooperative sentances and chucking it into the trash... ker-thunk!. Scoooooooore!!!!!!!!! Which maybe the only score during a bad writing jag. Hey it happens... I'm sure even Twain got a little grumpy with his fountain pen. Especially when it splurbbled on his paper.

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