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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's the end of the world as we know it or Stephen Hawking Loses a Bet

Today the LHC at CERN is fired up, initiating a process that will allow physicists to collide particles and generate unstable, rapidly decaying blackholes or allow us to see for the first time the Higgs boson. Either way, it's going to be a fun day.
One group of antiCERNs thinks the blackholes will not decay but rather find their way into the earths core, causing our planet to implode and then proceed to eat this solar system; create strangelts or monopoles. These people fail to recognize the fact that cosmic rays bombard the planet all day long, doing the same thing that the LHC does without deliterious effects.
So what is the point of atom smashing? Atom pie? But seriously, if the y do find visual evidence of the Higgs boson particle, it would support the theory behind the Higgs field and give us a foundation to explore unified field theory to its inevitable conclusion. And what's in it for us? First, better medical imaging. Of course the MIC [military industrial complex] will use it to foster "greater homeland security for America" but we will be better able to fine tune the equipment that doctors currently use for med scans. Those scans use accelerated anti matter particles to get better pictures than the old exray technology. The other potential benefit o such a thing is to make quantum computing possible. We already have ridiculously fast computers, but done on a quantum level we would have computers better, faster, smarter an more intuitive than the shipboard computer on the Enterprise [which is also the point of science fiction- giving direction the theory, goals to attain]. It would also allow for super secure communications. The Higgs boson is both matter and force particles depending (theoretically) on how the quarks are bundled. Understanding how bundling occurs would enable us to develop truly secure communications independent of encryption codes. This is my estimation of the possibilities; not something that has been stated in the scientific community. But it makes sense.
Dr. Michio Kaku states that we have the potential to discover new energy sources :"...brink of the granddaddy of all unifications... the unification of all forces into a superforce. We think the uperforce if a superstring theory, that drove the Big Bang, that created the heavens and earth..." could this be the foundation for understanding the theoretical zero point energy, making cold fusion work, establishing wormholes and developing hyper drives? Indeed. it could also be the best picture we have of G'd.
The Higgs boson particle is a scalar elementary particle, a force carrier, that exists in the Higgs field which is the tachyon of which Star Trek speaks. The Higgs field is a quantum fluid. As particles, including Higgs boson particles, react to the field those particles attain mass and gravity. It is its own antiparticle and the cause of other particles to have antiparticle, it has no spin and it is responsible for creating mirror images of a physical system. As a particle and a field, Higgs boson particles possesses a unique ability; two or more bosons of the same energy signature can OCCUPY THE SAME PLACE IN SAPCE. In short the Higgs boson is the stuff of which matter is composed and the glue which holds matter together. Essentially, the Higgs boson gives form to the formless... the function of G'd as the Creator of All Things according to the oldest scriptuaral and mystic teachings on the planet.
In short... we are about to meet an aspect of our Maker. Are you prepared?

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