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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Anniversary approaches

In just over a month, I will have been a blogger for one year. It is indeed a milestone, one to celebrate. So how should I do this? A fancy party is out of the question as I haven't more than one reader. A year in review post seems too on the nose. But what else would you do to celebrate such a blog____mark?stone?mile?
It is significant to me since I only wanted to develop a consistent writing habit. I do believe that I have succeeded at least in that. I didn't write to generate an audience so again... I met that goal. Meeting goals is something to celebrate. The celebration gives you reason to continue to set goals. let's face it... humans would rather party than work. So we work to have the party. It isn't really about the next set of goals and the learning experience. It really is about the graduation party at the end of the school career. Well... not really. But if it's a good enough platform to get Jeff Priest elected class pres it is a good enough platform to convince myself to celebrate. Sadly, yes... I need convincing.
I could cull all the posts, spend a week looking back at the year. A theme a day, 5 best of theme posts with a summary... daunting. But in the end, I think it will make me a better writter. Now that I have the habit formed, I need to work on the quality. I have noticed that I get off on tangents and rants and never really come back to the center of my idea. I may also have to reaffirm some of my goals as they have been buried under the rubble of circumstance. And I have to do this without getting my butt chewed by brother. Afterall... I am supposed to sacrifice everything for my family when something goes wrong. How much wronger can a divorce and estate issues get?

I know: wronger is not a word. And I am not responsible for his life. I was simply making a point. Not just to my one reader but also to the voice in my head that sounds sooooooo much like my brother Iwant to slap myself senseless.
How should I celebrate... I wonder if Martha has any suggestions.

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