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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

and the Geek goes on

One of the things that I never expected to share with my brother is the Big Bang Theory. I am a total geek. Yeah I know you know. Sometimes I need reminding so that I don't think more highly of myself than I ought. Anyway last nights episode was awesome. I giggled all the way through it and now I know why facebook thinks I am Sheldon Cooper. But bizzaro Sheldon cause there is no way I will ever be disappointed enough in Wil to hate him with the kind of passion that should only be reserved for the swaggering, arrogant, tin-plated dictators in the world. Sheldon made a disparaging comment about the orange juice that very much resembles my exclamations. No matter what is said at work, if I disapprove or disagree with something then my derision begins with "In what Universe is [insert objectionable material] acceptable?"

One of my brothers favorite things to when we are watching TV, because this is where he gets his geek on, is point out the other shows/movies that the actors have been in. And he likes to mess me up. Granted with the way that the market is divided among so many specialty channels it is getting easier to do. I don't watch the same kinds of shows that he does. So the only time the playing field is not stacked in his favor is when it comes to shows that Everybody watched when there were only 4 major networks. So last night he starts playing this game with me when Sarah Gilbert showed up. "Ew. Its his sister."

ME: "From what show?"

BRO: "Roseanne."

ME: "Boyfriend. David was her boyfriend. But he spent so much time in the Conner's house it is understandable that you would make that mistake."

Did I tell you that you should read my words with Sheldon's intonation or did you do it on your own? Good for you. No really, I mean that.

BRO: "Just seeing if you were paying attention."

ME: "um-hmm." Still looking at my computer screen.

Then the boys take Sheldon to the coffee shop.

ME: Sheldon cloak temporarily disengaged. "Blossom!"

BRO: "Do you know her real name?"

ME: "Mayim Bialik." tap tap tap tap. "Her first name means water in Hebrew."

BRO: "Who was her best friend?"

ME: "Six."

BRO: "Yeah what was her real name?"

ME: "Jenna von Oy."

BRO: "Damn!"

ME: "Would you like to go down the Joey Lawrence road now?"

BRO: [dejected] "no."

[inspiration hits] "Who was the dad?"

ME: "I don't know. And neither do you."

BRO: [mouth opens. mouth closes]

I was kind enough to not mention Bernard Hughes was her grandfather. I also left out the facts that Mayim had a recurring role on MacGyver after her Beaches acting debut. That the older brother, played by Michael Stoyanov, debuted on an episode of Quantum leap in which Sam was his mom and prevented his abduction after his geek buddies pranked him. I know. It's like cannibalism but it happens. Didn't I just post something about Grace? It applies to brothers too.

So then he starts to criticize the costumer. "Why do they have to look so dorky?" I know. But sometimes you have to bite your tongue and be Leonard. I pointed out that that is the way SoCal geeks roll. Everyone in the geek community who leaves comments about the show says how accurate it is. When we fly geek colors in Northern Michigan they tend to be on the subdued side. And I have to be honest, he would know better if he went into any of the game shops in town. There is a coffee shop that is kind of a haven for the geekly endowed. The owner is a jewelery geek and her kids are definitely punk/goth/new wave geeks in a Penelope Garcia way. So he doesn't really see the colorful side of geekdom. And it was kinda hard to explain. So that's why I left the house before he was up this morning.

I am so rockin' the geek garb. I found my Live Long and Prosper shirt yesterday, ran it through some lavender Tide for today. Thankfully it fits well enough to not choke me since I usually wear v-necks. It is nicely paired with chunky heeled mules and a blue plaid mini skirt.

listen to what the man says

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