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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Here's a thought about dating profiles. If your profile picture shows you looking bored, it sends out the following vibes: 1. I am boring. Move along. Nothing to see here. 2. This whole process is boring and I can't really be bothered with you. Move along.

And you know what? A girl will. Now there is a difference between boring and pensive. Pensive says I have a lot on my mind. It might say that I will never notice you if you stop by. Or it might say "Please! Interrupt me!" But a bored expression says "Move along."

I'm not looking anymore. I have a sweet knight in white seer sucker to pay attention too. But with some of these sites you can't get it through their heads that you are no longer interested in their service or (emphasis on the following) their product. And the product is a bunch of guys who look bored or psychotic. Bad advertising, like crappy commercials, humor me. A picture is worth a 1000 words. Why would you want those words to be a page out of the DSM*?

* The DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, currently in its 4th edition. #5 is due out in 2012.

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